Grieving the Loss of a Loved One

Are you or is someone you know grieving over the loss of a loved one? Many who have taken advantage of our grief support services gained healing and are now able to reach out to comfort others.
Since grieving is a natural part of life, our goal is to help people feel more comfortable with sharing about death and hope.
Grief Support — People Supporting Family in Grief in Atlantic, IA

At Roland Funeral Service, we care about you and your loved one regardless of whether or not we were involved in your services. Our grief support group is offered to everyone and co-sponsored by GracePoint Church, though there are several GriefShare groups in the area with varying schedules that may better fit your needs. 

At Roland Funeral Service , we care about you and your loved one regardless of whether or not we were involved in your services.  Our grief support is offered to everyone without charge; optional suggested donation for workbook.  For more information, call 712-243-5492.

While mourning is a healthy expression of grief, we strive to help through steps of growth that take place during adjustments that follow a death. It is our observation that as we progress through grief, it is best to seek support of those who support, and to avoid taking to heart negative responses that may confuse.  We at Rolands are honored to accompany those on the "GriefShare" journey. 

Remembering & Healing

Tree of Remembrance — Atlantic, IA
Tree of Remembrance

For many years, we at Rolands have featured an "Upside Down Christmas" tree dedicated to those  families we have served, grief support loved ones and others whose lives have been turned upside down by the suffering of grief.  Soon after Thanksgiving, the tree is displayed for a weekend at the Festival of Trees, then is brought back to our funeral home so that families and friends may view it as they drive by or come to sit awhile in observance of their dear ones.

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